Aiden Taylor is an 11-year-old from New York City with a passion for reading and writing, basketball, chess, and life in general. When the pandemic shut down the world last spring, he channelled his energy into writing a book about the adventures that he has with his favorite hairstyle. Aiden hopes that the book promotes self-love for other kids with hair like his, and shows them that every day can be an adventure. In the midst of one of the darkest moments in our history, Aiden found light in his imagination and worked relentlessly to share that with others. Spencer Jaffe, Aiden's "Big Brother", from the well-known mentor program, helped him throughout the process of writing and couldn't be more proud of Aiden's work ethic. He says despite being the "mentor" of the relationship, he learns from Aiden every day. (Smith)

How did Aiden get into writing?
During the pandemic with every extra activity put on pause Aiden's mom was reading a book when Aiden randomly said “I should write a book”. His mom, Monique said “write down a few topics and go for it!” She didn’t think he was serious but next thing she knew he had topics down and a few sentences and here we are 2 book later.
What motivated Aiden to write his first book?
Children would often tell me I needed a hair cut and I really couldn’t figure out why they were so concerned. I wanted other kids that might be hearing the same thing to love their hair and the way that they are.
How did the COVID Pandemic affect Aiden?
I had a very busy schedule prior to COVID then one day everything just stopped. I wasn’t used to being home that much as my days prior were usually filled with school and sports. I'm always looking for ways to stay busy and when I decided to write a book I begin to be super busy again with speaking with other children and selling my book.
How will Aiden use this money for his future?
I will use this money for college and will also continuing to build my brand which inspires other kids to love themselves and dream big. My brand shows other kids they can start doing awesome things and get a head start on their futures. Kids from all over the world write me and express how they feel inspired and love my brand.
"We couldn’t be more proud." - Monique Taylor (Aidens Mom)

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